On our last trip to Utah we went to one of our
favorite stores, IKEA. It's a fun place to look, touch
and get fun ideas on decorating and organization.
When we got to my favorite area..the kitchen section,
I found these spoons! 6 in a package for $7.99.
I grabbed them up and shouted for joy that these
spoons would become my tasting spoons!
I'm always needing a spoon to taste a sauce or soup.
My flatware is neatly tucked in drawer across
and into the dinning area and I'm always wishing
I had some spoons near the stove.
I love these spoons...just a little thing but they
have made my life a tad bit easier!
(Even Joel said he liked them)
"It's a good thing!"
Tony and I have been looking for spoons like that for years! I'll have to remember to look at IKEA next time I'm in Utah! Thanks!
Jana IKEA has a good selection of flatware...and everything else in the world Ü! I found myself wishing I was a college student or young married again. Such a fun assortment of household items at such an amazing price. But...I'm old and have most of what I need in life. Don't really need much more than these spoons :), What am I saying??? I always need more stamps!!!!
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