Saturday, December 4, 2010

Self portrait ..

Some days I feel like Whistler's Mother...the shoulder hurts,
ma knees are crackin', I've fallen and I can't get up....
...the ol' rocker is ma best friend!
But I hope as I continue to age that I will have a young spirit..
Like this lady in pink!
Years ago I saw this image and cut it out of a magazine.
It still hangs in my laundry room to remind me
that being young is a state of mind.
Life is good no matter what goes on around you!
Maybe I need to paint my kitchen pink!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooooh PINK is bright I think I am more Whistlers MOM!!!!! LOL

But I will get on the floor and play with the grandkids and then complain to hubby the next day when I can't move LOL!!!