It all started with my grandfather's chair.
My grandfather, unbeknownst to me, kept two chairs like the one
below, in storage for his life time.
They belonged to his mother or his grandmother.
(not quite sure of the story)
He came from very humble beginnings.
He worked and sacrificed for his education and made a good life for
his family.
Here he is with my grandmother probably in the 1930's or 40's
When he passed away, my mother inherited the two chairs,and when she passed away I became the privileged care taker.
I loved both chairs because my grandfather loved them. It pleased
me to know he was just as sentimental about family "things" as I am.
Unfortunately they were both in disrepair. Spindles were missing,
the legs where loose and old supports for the chair were weak.
One year my sweet husband took the chairs to his shop,
made new spindles, fixed the supports and legs, and lovingly
rubbed them with tongue oil. One sits in our living room next to a
desk that belonged to my grandparents..
(the first piece of furniture they bought).
The other chair was tucked away in a spare room until this
Thanks Giving when I found a place for it in our hallway.
But it looked so lonely there..something was missing.
I needed to make a pillow!
The adventure began....
First a pattern was chosen.
Then fabrics picked out from my scrap tub.
The fun of stitching ...
cutting 2" strips and arranging them just so...making the pillow form...
constructing the back of the pillow with flaps...
and it was done!
I love the message and I think my grandparents would too!
Now my grandfather's chair is a warm welcome to those who may
stay in our home.
How grateful I am to have a piece of my grandfather's heritage.
What a wonderful story, and wonderful pillow! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful thought.
Thanks for looking Cyndie. I appreciate your sweet words!
What a heart warming story and how you came to grace this chair with your beautiful pillow.
Thank you for your sweet words. What a wonderful story! I love your pillow! Have a wonderful week!
Susan thank you so much for sharing this sweet and loving story with us. I love chairs especially if they have a story like yours. What a beautiful sentiment for your pillow too. You did a fabulous job. Hugs my cyber friend~Donna
Thanks Donna .. you make my heart sing!
What a kind thought to make this beautiful cushion for your very special chair. It really deserved this finishing touch after your Hubby kindly restored it, bless him. Take care. Marion x
Love your blog.. just enjoyed scrolling through several projects and this is definitely a favorite... thanks for commenting on my video and giving me the opportunity to visit your wonderful blog!
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